Stone claims film was "researched on fact"

“It’s an investigative film and researched on fact,” Pandora's Promise director, Robert Stone told an audience at UC Irvine Wednesday when the university's Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials science screened Pandora's Promise. “It’s really bolstered by facts – by science.” Methinks he doth protest too much if he has to state it thus! Doubtless there is science in the film. But not the sound kind found in the annals of research and analysis, done, for example, at Princeton, or by the Union of Concerned Scientists and others who would have told Stone, if he had asked them, that so-called "new" reactor designs are unnecessary, dangerous, expensive, untested, unpredictable, and too far down the road to reality to do anything at all to address climate change.
Watch for our full analysis - busting the myths of the pro-nuclear propaganda - coming May 13th!

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