CNN keeps things "dishonest" by purchasing propaganda film

"Keeping them honest" is apparently not a mantra adopted by CNN Films, which has acquired the domestic television rights for Pandora's Promise. The department declares in its press release announcing the purchase, that, "The atomic bomb and accidents at Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, and Fukushima bring to mind apocalyptic disasters, but the science and experience since suggest that long-held fears about nuclear power may be wrong." We are not sure what "science" or "experience" they are looking at, but evidently tens to hundreds of thousands of avoidable cancer deaths and countless more illnesses, birth defects and survivable but serious sicknesses as a result of Chernobyl do not constitute "disaster" at CNN. As for Fukushima, if there was serious attention paid to credible science by the film's protagonists, they could not possibly pronounce on the consequences of that disaster since the cancers it will trigger among exposed populations will take decades to manifest. The press have lapped up the CNN press release, repeating the rather dubious contention that the film's protagonists "have put their careers in jeopardy to tout the societal benefits of nuclear energy." That certainly should be the outcome. Perhaps we can all make it so!

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