A brief (pre)view for the Washington Post

The Washington Post Going Out Guide has a placeholder for Pandora's Promise with offers to provide reviews. So we've taken the opportunity of providing our preview heads-up here. Here's what we wrote in the 750-character space provided.
Pandora's False Promises
Nuclear energy is a complex subject that can be difficult to communicate to the general public. However, this challenge does not excuse the deliberate omission of known scientific facts, or the re-framing of information to sell a pro-nuclear point of view that would be undermined by the inclusion of such key evidence. Unfortunately, this appears to be the case in Robert Stone’s new film. Stone apparently made little or no effort to seek information from (and certainly not to include in his film) the leading scientific and medical experts and researchers on many of the issues he covers. Stone instead deferred only to those who support his pro-nuclear thesis. This film should be viewed and reviewed with a great deal of skepticism.

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