Ohio Supreme Court stops collection of nuclear plant subsidy
As reported by the Associated Press. as well as the Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Nuclear Costs
Estimates for new reactor construction costs continue to sky-rocket. Conservative estimates range between $6 and $12 billion per reactor but Standard & Poor's predicts a continued rise. The nuclear power industry is lobbying for heavy federal subsidization including unlimited loan guarantees but the Congressional Budget Office predicts the risk of default will be well over 50 percent, leaving taxpayers to foot the bill. Beyond Nuclear opposes taxpayer and ratepayer subsidies for the nuclear energy industry.
As reported by the Associated Press. as well as the Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Analysis provided by Tim Judson, NIRS:
From: Tim Judson <timj@nirs.org>
Date: December 23, 2020 at 4:06:31 PM EST
Subject: RE: approps bill nuclear inclusions
The funding to DOE for waste disposal was not the only funds for nuclear in the appropriations bill – that’s just what was in the “ordinary” part of the bill, along with funding for NRC, NNSA, and DOE’s labs and weapons complex activities.
But there was a huge omnibus energy bill that was appended to the appropriations bill, which authorizes over $11 billion in funding to specific DOE nuclear energy and waste R&D projects over the next five years. That is more than the total amount for all renewable energy R&D in the bill, and about one-third as much as for all renewables combined, including the extensions of the production tax credits.
Here are some more detailed notes on what happened:
The appropriations and COVID relief bill includes the Energy Act of 2020. Initially, that was to include three bad stand-alone nuclear bills we have been fighting in their entirety:
In the end, between the emails, phone calls, and a sign-on letter, we were able to get some of the worst provisions of those bills removed, so the final bill only includes parts the bills.
It does include a bunch of things we oppose, but most of them are not going to have a immediate impact on the construction of new reactors or preventing the closure of existing reactors:
Tim Judson
Executive Director
Nuclear Information and Resource Service
6930 Carroll Ave., Suite 340
Takoma Park, MD 20912
O: 301-270-6477
E: TimJ@nirs.org
W: www.nirs.org
As reported by the Cincinnati Enquirer.
Franklin County Common Pleas Court Judge Chris Brown said to allow the House Bill 6 nuclear bailout fee "would be to allow certain parties to prevail. It would give the OK that bribery is allowed in the state of Ohio and that any ill-gotten gains can be received. All you’ve got to do is find the right legislator, find the right speaker of the House."
As reported by GPB, Georgia Public Broadcasting.
See also coverage by The Intercept on this Public Service Commission runoff election: "The Other Race on Georgia's January Ballot: The Runoff for Georgia's Public Service Commission is a Referendum on the Powerful Energy Company Georgia Power."