Congress, Enough is Enough! Pass the BBBA WITHOUT $35 Billion More in Nuclear Bailouts!
Thanks to NEIS and NIRS for the following alert:
NEIS Action Alert
Build Back Better Act (BBBA) Vote expected week of 11/15/21 in U.S. House
Say “NO!” to $35+ Billion Nuke Subsidies in BBB Act
Greetings All –
The U.S. House is expected to vote on the Build Back Better Act as early as this week. Huge subsidies for Exelon’s [and other companies'] nuclear and fossil fuels are imbedded in a so-called climate bill. It’s up to you – and us – to stop them. There is something you can do today:
Click the links in the NIRS Alert below, and fill out the letters opposing the bailout
Our friends at NIRS have put together this great alert below, which also provides some links to fill-in forms to be sent to Congress opposing the nuclear bailout in the BBBA.
If you feel industrious and angry enough at the industry, CALL both your U.S. Senators' offices, and that of your U.S. House Rep., urging them to remove the nuclear subsidies before they vote. If everyone is so worried about the “price tag” for the BBBA, here’s a great way to ax out $35 billion, better put to things like more renewables or lead pipe replacements.
Call both your U.S. Senators, and tell them “No more nuclear bailouts! Fund renewables instead.” Look up your U.S. Senators' DC office contact info. here.
Call your U.S. Representative with the same message. Look up your Rep.'s contact info. here.
Or, you can call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard number [202-224-3121], to be connected with your Congress Members' DC offices.
From: Nuclear Information & Resource Service <>
Date: Fri, Nov 12, 2021 at 1:03 PM
Subject: Tell Congress: Enough is Enough - Pass the BBBA WITHOUT Nuclear Bailouts