OUTRAGEOUS: $11 Billion for nukes in COVID relief bill
December 23, 2020
"Burning Money" image by Gene Case/Avening Angels. Used with permission. The image graced the cover of The Nation magazine in 2003, accompanying a feature article about the nuclear power relapse by Christian Parenti.NUCLEAR CHRISTMAS TREE BILL

$11 billion for nukes in COVID legislation

The nuclear lobby's Christmas stockings have been stuffed by Congress. The Washington Post reports that a whopping $11 billion in nuclear-related subsidies, compliments of U.S. taxpayers, have been included in the $900 billion coronavirus relief bill just passed by both houses of congress. It appears that many of the giveaways are included in Section II, NUCLEAR, beginning at Page 3,288 of the 5,593-page bill. However, scores of "nuclear" references, both power and weapons-related, can be found scattered throughout the legislation.

This latest shocking round of subsidization for the already filthy-rich nuclear power industry comes on top of many hundreds of billions of dollars of subsidies given to it over the past many decades.
Update on December 29, 2020 by Registered Commenteradmin

See a more detailed break down of the nuclear power subsidies included in the legislation.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
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