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They were paid HOW MUCH?!

As reported by The State in South Carolina, the top three execs at nuclear utility SCANA were compensated to the tune of $2.5 to $6.1 million in 2016 alone. The grand total for the three was $11.2 million.

Under the so-called "leadership" of these three corporate execs, ratepayers were bilked for billions of dollars of rate increases, to build the proposed new reactors at Summer Units 2 & 3.

The cost overruns and schedule delays, combined with those at the Vogtle 3 & 4 new build in GA, led to Westinghouse Nuclear's bankruptcy.

On July 31, SCANA and its partner, SCE&G, pulled the plug on Summer 2 & 3. SC ratepayers were left holding the bag.

Voglte 3 & 4 slog ahead, despite it all.

A federal investigation is now underway, regarding potential criminal wrongdoing at Summer 2 & 3. For example, The State now reports that seven years ago, the SC nuclear utilities knew natural gas was much cheaper than new nuclear, and that Summer 2 & 3's electricity was not even needed in SC. In addition, the utilities contracted Bechtel Corp. to do a study, published 1.5 years ago, showing the severe problems at Summer 2 & 3 -- but the report was kept secret, until very recently, when it was released by SC's governor, as well as obtained by subpeona by the U.S. Attorney in SC.