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Public Citizen, D.C. SUN Urge Court to Block Exelon Takeover of Pepco

Sept. 17, 2015 PowerDC rally in Washington, DC, opposing Exelon Nuclear's takeover of Pepco. The hand-signed banner was delivered, en mass, to DC Mayor Muriel Bowser's office.WASHINGTON, D.C. – Public Citizen and D.C. Solar United Neighborhoods (DC SUN) today are filing a court challenge to the D.C. Public Service Commission’s (PSC) decision to approve Exelon’s takeover of Pepco. The groups believe the merger is not in the public interest, and the petition being filed today is the first step in asking the D.C. Court of Appeals, the district’s highest court, to block the merger.

The $7 billion merger will lead to higher electricity rates and stymie the District’s efforts to shift to renewable energy, the groups maintain. The PSC on June 17 rejected requests by Public Citizen and other groups to reconsider its decision to allow the merger. Since then, Pepco has asked for an $85.5 million rate increase.


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