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NYPIRG: Take 30 seconds to save $7.6 billion [Stop the Cuomo Tax -- No Nuclear Bailout]

Here is the latest action alert for New Yorkers from NYPIRG (New York Public Interest Research Group) re: the Stop the Cuomo Tax/No Nuclear Bailout campaign:

New Yorkers know that Governor Cuomo’s plan to bail out old, unprofitable nuclear plants is a big mistake. If the governor gets his way, he’ll take $7.6 billion from hard working New Yorkers and hand it over to a highly profitable Chicago nuclear company. We should be investing in sustainable energy, not handing out giant subsidies for aging, unsafe nuclear plants.

You can help change the governor’s mind with a quick 30-second phone call to let his office know where you stand. It’s simple. Just follow these instructions:

  1. Call 866-772-3843

  2. Tell Governor Cuomo's office your name and where you live, then say:
    "As a constituent, I oppose the Cuomo tax on New Yorkers' utility bills and urge Governor Cuomo to stop his proposed $7.6 billion bailout of unprofitable nuclear plants. His mistaken plan would take billions of dollars out of New Yorkers’ pockets to subsidize aging, unsafe, nuclear plants owned by a highly profitable Chicago-based company. Instead, Governor Cuomo should invest in energy efficiency and truly clean renewable alternatives like solar and wind while saving consumers money."

  3. Click the [following link] so we can count the number of calls delivered! I MADE THE CALL

We know that when New Yorkers come together to make their voices heard, we can make real positive change for the people of this state. Making the call today is a good first step.

Thanks for joining us in this movement to Stop the Cuomo Tax.

Blair Horner

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