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Why won't New York show details of $35M deal with FitzPatrick nuke owner?

As reported at, New York State agencies are dragging their heels, despite a Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request, to disclose the details of a state pledge to Entergy to pay the nuclear utility a $35 fine of sorts, if approval of license transfer to Exelon, and a huge bailout, haven't been finalized by Nov. 18th.

Entergy's had announced last year that its FitzPatrick atomic reactor on the Lake Ontario shore -- an age-degraded Fukushima twin design -- would be close in early 2017.

But then Cuomo offered to bailout FitzPatrick, at ratepayer expense -- part of a $7.6 billion nuclear "tax" foisted on electricity consumers' bills throughout the state (even regions that do not get electricity from them), to prop up several failing reactors in upstate NY.

Once the bailout was secured, Exelon expressed its desire to buy FitzPatrick for pennies on the dollar, for a total amount of just $110 million.