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As Election Day dust settles, urge Congress: no nuclear loan guarantees!

As the dust settles from November 2nd's federal elections, and the nuclear power industry licks its chops in anticipation of its lobbying army's impending money grab at the U.S. Treasury, now is a vital time to contact your U.S. Representative and Senators via the Capitol Switchboard (202-224-3121) to urge them to oppose taxpayer-backed loan guarantees, loans, or other subsidies for new nuclear facilities such as reactors or uranium enrichment plants. Whether your Representative and Senator(s) are simply waiting to leave office in early January, having announced their retirement or lost their re-election -- or have now been re-elected, and will again hold their seats in Congress early next year -- or are newly elected, and will take the oath of office for the first time in early January -- now is the time to weigh in with them! During the lame duck session of Congress, from now till early January, we must remain vigilant, and we'll have to redouble our efforts come the new Congress as the already filthy rich nuclear power industry seeks to grow its greed even more, at taxpayer expense and risk! Just to give you an idea as to what we'll be up against, see Beyond Nuclear's fact sheet on Representative Fred Upton (Republican from Michigan's 6th district), one of the nuclear power industry's best friends in Congress, who will likely become the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee chairman.

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