





Nuclear Costs

Estimates for new reactor construction costs continue to sky-rocket. Conservative estimates range between $6 and $12 billion per reactor but Standard & Poor's predicts a continued rise. The nuclear power industry is lobbying for heavy federal subsidization including unlimited loan guarantees but the Congressional Budget Office predicts the risk of default will be well over 50 percent, leaving taxpayers to foot the bill. Beyond Nuclear opposes taxpayer and ratepayer subsidies for the nuclear energy industry.



Report: Exelon Illinois nuclear bill could subsidize Dynegy coal plants 


Thursday: Stop the Cuomo tax and nuclear bailout

This action alert comes from Blair Horner with Stop the Cuomo Tax/No Nuclear Bailout:

Right now, there is a secret deal being pushed to force New Yorkers to bail out a wealthy Chicago corporation with $7.6 billion of our hard-earned money. We don't know the terms of the contract; we just know that the money is being used to bail out old and inefficient nuclear power plants.

For the last month, we've been taking action to stop Governor Cuomo's nuclear bailout, and over 25,000 New Yorkers have joined the movement along the way. Now we need you to take this one step further.

Join us in Albany and deliver the message to state energy regulators in person: New Yorkers say 'NO' to the Cuomo Tax.

Thursday, 11/17 at 9:30am
Department of Public Service
3 Empire State Plaza, 19th Floor Boardroom
Albany, NY 12223


Next week, the Public Service Commission will meet to discuss the proposed sale of the FitzPatrick nuclear plant to Exelon Corporation: the sole beneficiaries of this $7.6 billion bailout plan. Stopping this sale is key to stopping the bailout, and saving New Yorkers billions of dollars.

If enough of us show up and speak out, we'll be one step one closer to winning this fight, stopping The Cuomo Tax and blocking this nuclear bailout scheme.

We need you there with us Thursday. RSVP to the event and invite your friends so we can make a big impact on the Public Service Commission.

Thursday, 11/17 at 9:30am
Department of Public Service
3 Empire State Plaza, 19th Floor Boardroom
Albany, NY 12223


If enough New Yorkers make their voices heard, we can send a message to state regulators that we're not going to sit idly as Gov. Cuomo jacks up our electric bills in order to bail out a wealthy Chicago energy company.

We can't wait to see all of you on Thursday.

Blair Horner
Stop the Cuomo Tax

PS: Can't make it to the event? Click here to send a quick message to the Public Service Commission and make your voice heard.


OH agrees to let FirstEnergy Nuclear impose $132.5 million a year surcharge on its 1.9 million customers

"Burning money" graphic art by Gene Case, Avening AngelsTom Henry of the Toledo Blade has Tweeted out his column on the ratepayer-funded bailout, now approved by the State of Ohio -- to the tune of $132.5 million per year -- of FirstEnergy Nuclear's dangerously age-degraded Davis-Besse atomic reactor on the Lake Erie shore. Beyond Nuclear has led opposition to Davis-Besse's 2017-2037 license extension since 2010. Davis-Besse has had more close calls with catastrophe than any other U.S. reactor, and -- FirstEnergy admits -- has had a severely cracked (and ever worsening) concrete containment, which could well fail to contain catastrophic amounts of hazardous radioactivity in the event of a meltdown.

Beyond Nuclear has also worked alongside Sierra Club, Ohio Environmental Council, Environmental Defense Fund, AARP, Public Citizen, ratepayer advocacy groups, and many others, to oppose requests from FirstEnergy to the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) for ratepayer-funded bailouts of $4 to 8 billion (yes, with a B). FERC (the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) ultimately put the kabosh on this larger attempted ratepayer robbery, but the State of Ohio has just blessed the burdening of its own citizens to the tune of $132.5 million/year, nonetheless.


NEIS ACTION ALERT for Illinoisans: Exelon’s $1.6 Billion Bailout Up for a Vote – Say “NO!” to Bailouts

NEIS ACTION ALERT for Illinoisans:

Exelon’s $1.6 Billion Bailout Up for a Vote – Say “NO!” to Bailouts

The Veto Session of the Illinois legislature begins this Tuesday, Nov. 15th, and it is expected that Exelon’s $1.6 billion bailout bill – almost comically named “The Future Energy Jobs Bill” – will be voted on.  While the language of this Frankensteinian conglomeration of several pieces of previous legislation is still being discussed, enough of the “bads” are sure to remain in it to outweigh whatever “goods” might be promised (and then, at a later date, removed, sabotaged, “swept”, or ignored).  We ask you to say “NO!” to Exelon’s nuclear bailout bill.

The “bads” are expected to include:

  • ·         A $1.6 billion bailout for three of Exelon’s money-losing reactors
  • ·         ComEd’s universally unpopular “demand charge” way of billing customers
  • ·         The elimination of solar “net metering” in its present form

The “bads” are all being sold to uninformed legislators as creating and preserving jobs, supporting (no joke!) renewable energy, and keeping electric rates “competitive.”

The facts are that, for three years, Exelon has worked in Illinois and nationally to promote three goals: 1.) bail out their money-losing nuclear plants at ratepayer expense; 2.) kill, marginalize or control renewable energy and energy efficiency; and 3.) maintain the current and anachronistic “big box” utility model where they remain in virtually monopolistic control.

No amount of beads and trinkets offered in exchange can compensate for the long-term damage to a renewable energy future their game plan will lock in place.

What you can do:

Contact your State Legislators with this message: Simply say NO to Exelon’s Nuclear Bailout!

  • ·         NO bailouts for Exelon’s aging, money losing reactors
  • ·         Fix the Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), once and for all
  • ·         Oppose ComEd’s  “demand charge” and monopolistic  community solar plan; and preserve solar net-metering
  • ·         Support community created and controlled jobs in renewable energy and energy efficiency
  • ·         Enact a “just transitions” program for reactor communities and displaced workers;
  • ·         Enact strong reactor decommissioning laws

To find out who your State Legislators are, click here:

and also call…

•           Governor Bruce Rauner   (312) 814-2121

•           House Speaker Michael Madigan   (217) 782-5350

•           Senate Pres. John Cullerton     (773) 883-0770

Feel free to circulate this Alert to others you know.  NEIS will be providing updates as the Veto Session progresses.  Thanks for all you do!

For more information, contact:  NEIS,, (773)342-7650


David A. Kraft, Director, NEIS, 3411 W. Diversey #16, Chicago, IL 60647


SKYPE address:  davekhamburg

NEIS is a member of EarthShare Illinois

No more Chornobyls!  No more Fukushimas!



Sierra Club National Board director Dr. Michael Dorsey in the WSJ: "NO: Nuclear Isn’t Clean—or Cheap"

Nuclear power is fizzling.

So begins a Wall Street Journal op-ed debate entitled "Is Nuclear Power Vital to Hitting CO2 Emissions Targets?"

Dr. Michael Dorsey, a director on the Sierra Club National Board, contributed the anti-nuclear, "NO: Nuclear Isn’t Clean—or Cheap."

Susan Tierney provided the pro-nuclear contribution, "YES: Renewables Can't Fill the Gap Yet." Although Tierney is described as "a senior adviser at the Analysis Group, an economic, financial and strategic consulting firm," what's not explicitly mentioned is that Tierney has served as a paid consultant and expert witness for numerous nuclear power utilities. This is clearly evident in her CV.