ZIGGY KLEINAU, PRESENTE! Dec. 1, 1929 to July 4, 2020
Siegfried (Ziggy) Kleinau, wearing his CFRE tee shirt, on his WWOOF.Beyond Nuclear is saddened to share the news that our pro-renewable and anti-nuclear ally in Ontario, Canada has passed on at age 91. Long serving coordinator of Citizens for Renewable Energy, Ziggy focused on watch-dogging the Lake Huron shore Bruce Nuclear Generating Station (with eight reactors, the single largest on Earth), near his solar-powered WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities On Organic Farms -- see photo, left) home base. But he also worked closely with, and generously supported, allies like us throughout the Great Lakes Basin, over many decades. Way ahead of the curve, he was a very early advocate for IRENA (the UN's International Renewable Energy Agency), as well as FITs (Feed-in tariffs), both of which originated in his native Germany. Shortly before he passed on, he learned the news that Ontario Power Generation had officially abandoned its plans for a proposed Deep Geologic Repository for dumping radioactive wastes, targeted at the Saugeen Ojibwe Nation, a very hard won environmental justice victory, after two decades of widespread resistance, for which he shares credit.
RIP, Ziggy -- Rest in Peace, and Rest in RENEWABLE Power!
See tributes and remembrances posted by his friends and colleagues on Ziggy's Facebook page, here.

Friends of Ziggy have put together a set of reflections on Ziggy's life, work and influence. It is entitled
As Angela Bischoff of the Ontario Clean Air Alliance has written:
"Beautiful piece about a beautiful man! He’d be so thrilled about all the opposition brewing in South Bruce [Ontario] to the DGR [Deep Geologic Repository, Canada's proposed national dump for high-level radioactive waste, near the Lake Huron shore]."
The PDF includes a number of photos of Ziggy throughout the years. On page 6 of 16 on the PDF counter, there is a photo of Ziggy, holding high a "CLEAN ENERGY NOW!" placard. It was taken at Van Buren State Park in southwest Michigan, in August 2000. Behind Ziggy is the long-troubled, high-risk Palisades atomic reactor. Ziggy's tee shirt, not legible in the photo, reads: Sustainable Energy NOW! Nuclear-Free Great Lakes Action Camp, August 2000, Van Buren Youth Camp, Bloomingdale, Michigan.
There are additional photos from the August 2000 Nuclear-Free Great Lakes Action Camp in Michigan viewable here:
The five photos show Western Shoshone spiritual leader Corbin Harney (who passed on in 2007) leading sacred ceremonies during the August 2000 Nuclear-Free Great Lakes Action Camp at Cook nuclear power plant in southwest Michigan (30 miles south of Palisades) on the Lake Michigan shoreline. In the third photo down, Ziggy is visible behind Corbin, standing in the sacred circle. Helping Corbin conduct the sacred ceremony that day were Michelle Xenos of Corbin's Shundahai Network in Las Vegas, Nevada, and Kelly Kiyoshk of Walpole Island, Ontario.
And posted at this web page, are additional photos from the same day and action as Ziggy's photo on page 6 of 16 of the PDF counter, above.