Urgent final reminder: Comment on DOE's radioactive waste dump by July 31! Use Beyond Nuclear talking points
Representatives from a coalition of environmental and public interest groups protest the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's "Nuke Waste Con Game" at the agency's Rockville, MD HQ in late 2013.The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has held nine public meetings across the country since January, regarding so-called "Consent-Based Siting" of centralized interim storage sites (de facto permanent parking lot dumps) for high-level radioactive waste, and the "Mobile Chernobyl" truck, train, and barge shipments it would take to deliver the irradiated nuclear fuel there. Thank you to everyone who turned out, both in person and via Webinar: you have helped hold DOE's feet to the fire, making clear they are being watch-dogged. There are a few more days left for the submission of written public comments by DOE's July 31 deadline. Beyond Nuclear has prepared a Top 10 List you can use to prepare your own comments, as well as two-page and 13-page, more detailed versions of the "We Do Not Consent!" talking points. Comments can be submitted by email, mail, fax, or Web form, by 11:59pm Eastern time on Sunday. The resistance against radioactive waste risks also continues on other fronts. For example, on July 18th an environmental coalition appealed an adverse court ruling in favor of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Nuclear Waste Confidence policy a month earlier. More