The courage to make change
Shortly before he died, our board chair, Lou Friedman, sent along a card with a secular adaptation of the famous Niebuhr quote: "Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." In light of the election results for President, Senate and House, we have had to give that message a lot of thought at Beyond Nuclear as it pertains to our mission. Acceptance is never the easy part, but what can we change? Nuclear energy is fading financially. That means it will pitch for huge subsidies. We will work to stop that. Even without a change of administration, efforts are underway to dump radioactive waste at targeted "temporary" sites. We will continue our efforts to block that, along with plans to transport highly radioactive liquid waste from Ontario to South Carolina. Old reactors are as dangerous today as they were yesterday. We will redouble our efforts to close them. We've written to many of you with our winter appeal. In that letter, you will find more details about our plans. Thank you as always for your support. We need it now more than ever to keep up the good fight! More