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Battles against nuclear utility mega-money grabs intensify

"Burning Money" image by Gene Case and Avenging Angels.Beyond Nuclear is working with allies across the country to resist multi-billion dollar subsidies, at ratepayer expense, being sought by nuclear utility lobbyists in order to prop up dirty, dangerous, and uncompetitive atomic reactors. In IL, NEIS is leading the resistance against a $1.6 billion bailout; the 34-year-old grassroots group helped secure a big victory -- for now -- when the state legislature recessed till autumn, without enacting Exelon's wish list for five failing nukes. In the Mid-Atlantic, the PowerDC coalition is urging District of Columbia decision makers to block Exelon's takeover of Pepco, a merger that would undermine efficiency and renewables, and further subsidize the distant IL nukes, by gouging ratepayers 700 miles away. And in OH, Sierra Club and other allies have called for a rally and teach-in, to oppose FirstEnergy's attempted $3 billion ratepayer ripoff for its age-degraded Davis-Besse atomic reactor and Sammis coal burner. More.