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WAMC reports on Riverkeeper's fight to protect Hudson River fisheries

WAMC has reported on Riverkeeper's efforts to protect endangered sturgeon, and other critically-threatened Hudson River fish species, against the ravaging cooling system (or lack thereof) at Entergy Nuclear's Indian Point nuclear power plant, dangerously close to New York City.

Entergy wants a rubber-stamp from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission for 20 more years of operations at Indian Point Units 2 & 3, which, for lack of cooling water, discharge two-thirds of the heat generated from splitting atoms directly into the Hudson River as thermal waste.

WAMC interviews Riverkeeper's Phillip Musegaas, who reports that Entergy could kill 20 sturgeon of 2 endangered species each year of extended operations.

Entergy's cooling water intake also kills billions of larval stages of aquatic life each year, due to entrapment and entrainment.