Beyond Nuclear's responses, and additional thoughts, to questions from Senate ENR Committee on its "discussion draft" of CIS/Mobile Chernobyl legislation
An infrared photo of a high-level radioactive waste rail shipment. The high temperature of such shipments, however, is the least of our worries. A severe accident, or attack, involving such a shipment could breach the container, leading to disastrous releases of hazardous radioactivityBeyond Nuclear has submitted the following responses, and additional thoughts, to the U.S. Senate's Energy and Natural Resource (ENR) Committee, regarding its list of questions about its proposed "discussion draft" of legislation that would rush centralized interim storage sites into operation. If enacted, this legislation would launch unprecedented numbers of high-level radioactive waste shipments by truck, train, and barge -- a risky radioactive waste shell game on our roads, rails and waterways! (click here for more detailed information) The Senate ENR Committee had set 5 PM today, Friday, May 24th (close of business on the Memorial Day holiday weekend) as the deadline for responses to its bill, which was unveiled on April 25th, ironically on the eve of the 27th anniversary of the beginning of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe.
Be sure to scroll down to the second page, in order to see the Beyond Nuclear Responses to the various questions (#2 to 8).
Executive Summary (referred to as "Question #1"); Response to Question #2; Response to Question #3; Response to Question #4;Response to Question #5; Response to Question #6; Response toQuestion #7; Response to Question #8; Additional Thoughts.
In addition, Beyond Nuclear signed onto an environmental coalition statement spearheaded by NIRS, signed by 100 groups. Click on this link to see detailed comments by additional allies.
Thanks to everyone who has responded to our action alerts going back weeks and months, urging action be taken to stop this latest Mobile Chernobyl bill dead in its tracks.