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Please sign petition to Indian government to stop Jaitapur reactors

Please support Former Chief of Naval Staff of the Indian Navy, Admiral L. Ramdas, by endorsing his letter of protest to Indian Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, at the Indian government's decision to continue with the massive Jaitapur reactor project. Sign the petition today. As Admiral Ramdas writes:

"I am taking the unusual step of sending this direct request because I believe that the announcement by the PMO on the 25th anniversary of Chernobyl, to continue with the proposed French-built nuclear power park at Jaitapur is a serious mistake with long term implications for our people.

Along with several others I participated in the “Tarapur to Jaitapur” Yatra (march) in Maharashtra, to protest against the proposed nuclear plant in Jaitapur. We did not reach Jaitapur because many of us were detained/arrested for participating in this peaceful protest.

It is well known that the Jaitapur nuclear plant is on an earthquake-prone zone and the French EPR reactors have not yet been tested anywhere in the world. Surprisingly the government has rejected the demands to cancel the project, which will result in the loss of land and livelihoods for many. Further, the government has shown disregard for the views of the many scientists, academics, military and other citizens from the rest of the country calling for a review of its earlier decisions on nuclear power plants. "