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"...a huge impact on the ocean."

Reuters reports that Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary, Yukio Edano, has said "If the current situation continues for a long time, accumulating more radioactive substances, it will have a huge impact on the ocean," referring to uncontrolled discharges of highly radioactively contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Japan has called upon Russia to send a liquid radioactive waste processing ship, although its through-put capacity is quite limited, compared to the 11,500 tons of radioactively contaminated water Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) is now intentionally discharging into the ocean, to free up storage space for even more highly radioactively contaminated water inundating the site. Tepco has also claimed to be constructing a "silt curtain" in the ocean, in a desperate bid to block hazardous radioactive contaminants from flowing into the sea and its food chain.