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Update on Japanese nuclear emegergency

Beyond Nuclear has received the following email at 11:10 a.m. from Philip White of the Citizens Nuclear Information Center Tokyo:

Offsite power was lost to the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plants. All diesel generators for Fukushima-I Units 1 and 2 are out of action. In order to provide power to cool the reactors, emergency generators are being trucked there now by TEPCO and the "Self-Defense Force".  (From Japanese news reports.)

People within a 3 km radius of the Fukushima-I plant (also known as Fukushima Dai-ichi) have been asked to evacuate. This includes Okuma Town and Futaba Town. They are instructed to do so calmly because there has not been a leak of radiation and there is "enough time". People between 3 km and 10 km of the plant have been told to stay in doors. (Prime Minister and Cabinet web site)

There was a fire at the Onagawa nuclear power plant, but it has been extinguished. (Nuclear Industrial and Safety Agency update.
People within 2km of the Fukushima nuclear plant have been told to evacuate as a precaution against radioactive leakage from the reactor, which is subject to a state of emergency, Sankei reports (Japanese link). The authorities said earlier there has been no radiation link from the plant but it has a problem with its cooling system.
Reactor cooling equipment fails at TEPCO
(NHK news)

The government has declared an emergency situation at one of Tokyo Electric Power company's nuclear power plants in quake-stricken Fukushima Prefecture. It says no radioactive materials have been leaked.

Tokyo Electric said an equipment failure has made it impossible to cool two reactors at the Fukushima Number One plant.

The firm says it does not have enough electric power to cool the reactors, which automatically stopped operating when the quake struck.

The government has taken precautionary measures to ensure the safety of nearby residents. But it says that the residents should remain calm, and that currently no evacuation is needed.

The power company is sending eight power generators to the site, and the Ground Self Defense Force is sending one more.