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American doctors' group wants US seafood tested for radiation

"Fukushima Fallout Viewing Station, Bolinas Beach" Box art by Rachel JohnsonThe American Medical Association (AMA) recently passed a resolution asking the US "to monitor and fully report the radioactivity levels of edible Pacific Ocean species sold in the United States that could reasonably have been exposed to radiation from the ongoing Fukushima disaster...". Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network (FFAN), of which Beyond Nuclear is a coalition member, released a press statement applauding this recognition by the AMA that the US public has a right to know the contamination levels in their Pacific seafood and the potential health risks posed. FFAN now asks that the AMA support the official citizen petition effort to get the US FDA to lower allowable limits in our food supply generally. In addition, FFAN has created a public petition which will go to the FDA, US Congress and President Obama.

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