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High levels of cesium found in fish off Ibaraki (Japan)

"Researchers have found high levels of radioactive cesium in fish caught early this month off Hitachi in Ibaraki Prefecture, northeast of Tokyo.

Prefectural officials said 1,037 becquerels of cesium were discovered per kilogram of Japanese sea bass. That's more than 10 times the government safety limit." NHK World

Beyond Nuclear's take: This fish may be too contaminated for the limits in Japan, set at 100 Bq/kg for cesium (way too high), but this contamination level is acceptable in the United States due to lax Food and Drug Administration standards which allow 1200 Bq/kg of cesium. Couple this with the revelation that the ruined reactors at Fukushima are still leaking radioactive material, the levels are increasing, and that ICRP has condoned public "re-education" (slide #11 in link) in order to sell contaminated food to people outside contaminated areas, it is even more imperative that the US FDA lower its allowable cesium limit to 5 Bq/kg.

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