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19 NM State Legislators' public comments to NRC re: Holtec CISF DEIS

See the comments, in opposition to Holtec's CISF, posted online here.

The comments were submitted by the following 19 New Mexico State Legislators:

JEFF STEINBORN, State Senator, District 36;

SHANNON D. PINTO, State Senator, District 3;

ANTOINETTE SEDILLO LOPEZ, State Senator, District 16;

BILL TALLMAN, State Senator, District 18;

ELIZABETH "LIZ" STEFANICS, State Senator, District 39;

PETER WIRTH, State Senator, District 25;

LINDA M. LOPEZ, State Senator, District 11;

MIMI STEWART, State Senator, District 17;

NANCY RODRIGUEZ, State Senator, District 24;

ELISEO LEE ALCON, State Representative, District 6;

PATRICIA ROYBAL CABALLERO State Representative, District 13;

DEBRA M. SARIÑANA, State Representative, District 21;

CHRISTINE TRUJILLO, State Representative, District 25;

JOANNE J. FERRARY, State Representative, District 37;

ANDREA ROMERO, State Representative, District 46;

DEBORAH A. ARMSTRONG State Representative, District 17;

ELIZABETH "LIZ" THOMSON State Representative, District 24;

ANGELICA RUBIO, State Representative, District 35;

RODOLPHO "RUDY" S. MARTINEZ State Representative, District 39.

Numerous NM State Legislators also spoke out against Holtec's CISF during the NRC call-in verbal comment sessions, from June 23 to Sept. 2.