19 NM State Legislators' public comments to NRC re: Holtec CISF DEIS
September 23, 2020

See the comments, in opposition to Holtec's CISF, posted online here.

The comments were submitted by the following 19 New Mexico State Legislators:

JEFF STEINBORN, State Senator, District 36;

SHANNON D. PINTO, State Senator, District 3;

ANTOINETTE SEDILLO LOPEZ, State Senator, District 16;

BILL TALLMAN, State Senator, District 18;

ELIZABETH "LIZ" STEFANICS, State Senator, District 39;

PETER WIRTH, State Senator, District 25;

LINDA M. LOPEZ, State Senator, District 11;

MIMI STEWART, State Senator, District 17;

NANCY RODRIGUEZ, State Senator, District 24;

ELISEO LEE ALCON, State Representative, District 6;

PATRICIA ROYBAL CABALLERO State Representative, District 13;

DEBRA M. SARIÑANA, State Representative, District 21;

CHRISTINE TRUJILLO, State Representative, District 25;

JOANNE J. FERRARY, State Representative, District 37;

ANDREA ROMERO, State Representative, District 46;

DEBORAH A. ARMSTRONG State Representative, District 17;

ELIZABETH "LIZ" THOMSON State Representative, District 24;

ANGELICA RUBIO, State Representative, District 35;

RODOLPHO "RUDY" S. MARTINEZ State Representative, District 39.

Numerous NM State Legislators also spoke out against Holtec's CISF during the NRC call-in verbal comment sessions, from June 23 to Sept. 2.

Update on October 1, 2020 by Registered Commenteradmin

The NRC Secretary responded to NM State Senator Steinborn, et al., on Oct. 1, 2020. See the NRC Secretary's letter, here.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
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