BEYOND NUCLEAR V. NRC -- 'We'll See You in Court" on TX CISF!
Public commenters just say "NO!" at NRC environmental scoping meeting on the ISP CISF in Andrews, TX, Feb. 2017We've filed a federal court appeal against the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, regarding its rubber stamps of Interim Storage Partners' highly radioactive waste consolidated interim storage facility (CISF), targeted at the Waste Control Specialists national "low" level rad. waste dump in Andrews County, West Texas. See our press release here, with links to relevant documents. NRC is violating multiple federal laws, which we intend to prove at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, the second highest court in the land, just under the U.S. Supreme Court. Last June, we also appealed against NRC's rubber stamps in Holtec's CISF case, targeting majority minority New Mexico. Both CISFs, just 40 miles apart, represent radioactive racism and environmental injustice.
Both CISF companies -- ISP in TX, and Holtec in NM -- assume Yucca Mountain, NV will be the permanent geologic repository. So too does NRC. But the Western Shoshone have not consented to that. Quite the opposite. The same is true for the State of Nevada.