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Brad Sylvester weighs in on Vermont Yankee tritium leaks

Brad Sylvester's article "Vermont Yankee's Radioactive Waste Likely Leaching into Connecticut River," posted at, provides a healthy dose of common sense skepticism to counteract the radiation doses flowing out of Entergy Nuclear, as well as the half-truths flowing from the lips its corporate officials as they try to undo the PR damage resulting from tritium leaks from underground pipes that supposedly didn't exist. But as Beyond Nuclear board member Kay Drey points out, Vermont Yankee (as do all atomic reactors) also discharges intentional, planned, and permitted releases of tritium and other radioactive hazards with its waste water into its cooling water supply, in this case the Connecticut River. Such discharges include dissolved and entrained radioactive noble gases, which then radioactively decay into biologically active, hazardous radioactive "daughter" products, some with very long half-lives.