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Six legislative failures for the nuke industry so far in 2011

Compiled by the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research:

The nuclear power industry's many 2011 state legislative failures included:

  • Minnesota – A heavily lobbied bill to overturn the state's moratorium on additional reactors died in conference committee.
  • Wisconsin – A push to reintroduce a bill to overturn the Badger State's moratorium on new reactors failed.  
  • Kentucky – A bill to overturn the state's moratorium on new reactors died in the House.
  • Missouri – Despite a major industry push, a bill to charge utility customers in advance to pay for an "Early Site Permit" for the proposed new Callaway reactor died.
  • North Carolina – A "SuperConstruction Work in Progress (CWIP)" bill to eliminate prudence review of CWIP expenses was proposed but never introduced due to strong on-the-ground opposition.
  • Iowa – A bill pushed by MidAmerican to charge utility customers in advance for "small modular reactors" as well as potentially larger reactors stalled in the state Senate and cannot be taken up again until 2012.