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Another reactor license renewal remains (happily) blocked

Last spring, New York State judges of the Department of Environmental Conservation denied Entergy, owner of the Indian Point nuclear plant, a critical Water Quality Certification. Entergy had applied for this certification in connection with its efforts to obtain a 20-year license extension for the two Indian Point reactors. The DEC denied the certification dues to the plant’s adverse impact on aquatic ecology of the Hudson River from the operation of Indian Point’s once through cooling water intake structures, impacts to endangered species, and because of the environmental impacts of accidental radioactive leaks that have been a problem at the plant for decades. Entergy embarked on a full-scale public relations campaign to reverse this decision but, the week of December, the judges rejected all of Entergy’s arguments about why the denial should be reversed outright. More details on the Riverkeeper website. (Picture by Riverkeeper).

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