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Entergy avoids fine in falsified fire report case at Pilgrim Station

As reported by Matthew Nadler at Manomet Current:

Entergy won’t be fined following the discovery that a former employee falsified fire watch records at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station.

Pilgrim Station Vice President John Dent, Jr was informed of the decision in a letter from Nuclear Regulatory Commission Acting Regional Administrator David Lew on Tuesday.

The company could have been fined $70,000, according to the letter. However, the NRC credited Entergy with investigating the problem after another employee had expressed concern. The safety officer who falsified the reports was fired and the company reexamined its fire watch procedures.

The security officer at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station falsified over 200 fire watch records between June 2012 and June 2014. Fire watches are supposed to be done an hourly basis in certain areas of the plant, according to an e-mail from NRC spokesman Neil Sheehan.