The perils of reprocessing
Read a good letter to the editor in the Rutland Herald about the perils of reprocessing.
Reprocessing - the chemical separation of uranium and plutonium from irradiated reactor fuel - is arguably the most dangerous and dirty phase of the nuclear fuel chain. Reprocessing generates huge waste streams with no management solution and isolates plutonium, the fissile component of a nuclear weapon. Countries such as England and France, where reprocessing has been carried out for decades, face a legacy of contamination and an enormous plutonium surplus vulnerable to theft or attack.
Read a good letter to the editor in the Rutland Herald about the perils of reprocessing.
Read the "Top Ten Reasons Reprocessing is Environmentally Devastating," a list of talking points prepared by Kevin Kamps of Beyond Nuclear to oppose the Department of Energy's proposed Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP).
The Center for Arms Control and Non-proliferation produced a useful graph showing the multiple waste streams that would be generated by the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership's reprocessing and "advanced burner reactors."