Beyond Nuclear on "Nuclear Hot Seat" on dam failure and nuclear accidents in Oconee relicensing

Beyond Nuclear’s Paul Gunter is on the “Nuclear Hotseat” (time mark 19:45) to talk about Duke Energy’s operation of the Oconee nuclear power station just downstream of the Jocassee Dam and the Keowee Dam in South Carolina. Duke received its original 40-year operating license for the three units in 1973 and 1974 without adequate flood protection in the reactors’ design and construction from a dam failure alleging that a site inundation wasn’t a “credible event.” Duke Energy is now requesting its second 20-year license renewal to extend reactor operations out to 2053 and 2054. Beyond Nuclear and Sierra Club are requesting a hearing on Oconee’s flood protection and the risk of a triple meltdown like Japan’s Fukushima nuclear accident. More…

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