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Palisades a catastrophe waiting to happen, must be shutdown before it melts down

A strong turn out of concerned local residents and representatives of environmental groups, including Beyond Nuclear, calling for the shutdown of Entergy's Palisades atomic reactor in southwest Michigan, has generated extensive local media coverage. In the photo at left, longtime grassroots anti-nuclear watchdog Catharine Sugas asks the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) “If you can’t shut down a plant that’s dangerous…what are you? How can you keep a plant going that’s obviously dangerous?”

In 2006, Catharine organized a fundraiser at Kraftbrau Brewery in downtown Kalamazoo entitled "Help Us Hire Eggheads, Before Humpty Dumpty Has a Great Fall." The funds were used in an effort to hire expert witnesses during the resistance to Palisades' 20 year license extension rubberstamp by NRC.

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