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Mission Electric Forum opposes 20 year license extensions at Indian Point 2 & 3

As posted at the Stony Point Center's website:

"Mission Electric -- The Power Is Ours is a forum that was organized by the Stony Point 55, a coalition of concerned environmental activists and organizations regarding the catastrophic dangers in waiting if operations at the Indian Point plant continue in the lower Hudson Valley of New York...

The presenters included Andy Spano, former Westchester County Executive, Ron Leonard, renewable energy expert, Tom Kacandes, former economic developer for Empire State Corporation, Frank Pinto, retired United Nations Senior Environmental Policy Expert, Tim Judson, Board member, Citizens Awareness Network, Manna Jo Greene, Environmental Director for Hudson River Sloop Clearwater.

...This forum was co-sponsored by: Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition, Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, Citizens Awareness Network, SDIPN, and Connie Hogarth Centre for Social Action at Manhattanville College, Rockland Sierra Club, NYPIRG, Hudson Valley Fellowship of Reconciliation, Rockland Water Coalition, and Stony Point Center."

At an Entergy Watch summit, held in conjunction with the Clamshell Alliance's annual reunion at the World Fellowship Center in Conway, New Hampshire in July 2012 -- attended by Beyond Nuclear's Paul and Linda Gunter as well as Kevin Kamps -- Marilyn Elie of Westchester Citizens Awareness Network and Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition invited Kevin to present at another Indian Point forum at Stony Point Center in Stony Point, NY, near Entergy's Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant, on October 21, 2012.

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