CAN TV of Chicago video record of DOE "Consent-Based Siting" public meeting
CAN TV (Chicago Access Network television), a long-time parnter with Nuclear Energy Info. Service, has yet again provided another amazing public service, by videorecording the showdown between nuclear establishment proponents of parking lot dumps and Mobile Chernobyls, and grassroots environmental and social justice activists:
Chicago, already ringed by nuclear power plants, would be hard hit by thousands of Mobile Chernobyls from many states, if parking lot dumps are opened. In fact, Dresden nuclear power plant in Morris, IL, just southwest of Chicago, is a top target being eyed by DOE itself for a parking lot dump.

As posted online by DOE:
Our first public meeting was held in Chicago, Illinois on March 29th. To view a video of the event and access the meeting materials, please click here.
As stated by a concerned citizen who took part in one of DOE's dog and pony shows, regarding the video/transcript and DOE materials posted online:
It's an opportunity to see the propaganda being spread by the DOE and John Kotek specifically.