Fukushima fallout, radioactive Sulfur-35, detected in California, concentrates in human testicles
Chart showing where various radionuclides concentrate in human body (see link at right for larger sized chart)A post at Forbes.com reports that researchers at University of California-San Diego detected significantly increased concentrations of radioactive Sulfur-35 in air, which they concluded had blown to California from the Fukushima Daiichi meltdowns. Radioactive Sulfur-35 is known to concentrate in human testicles. A chart of radionuclides shows where other radioactive toxins concentrate in the human body. While an L.A. Times post downplays the health significance of the radioactive Sulfur-35 fallout for Californians, the same Forbes reporter earlier wrote about the debate on such fallout's health risks. After all, the BEIR 7 report reaffirmed that any exposure to radioactivity, no matter how small, still carries a health risk. That is, there is no "safe" level of exposure to radioactivity.