Beef Contamination Spreads in Japan After Fukushima Radiation Taints Straw
"More beef from cattle in Japan that ate straw tainted by radiation has found its way into the food supply, deepening concern about the safety of meat as the country struggles to contain the spread of the contamination.
"Cattle at the farm in Asakawa, about 60 kilometers from the crippled Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear station, were fed with rice straw containing 97,000 becquerels of cesium per kilogram, compared with the government standard of 300 becquerels, said Hidenori Ohtani at the livestock division of the Fukushima prefectural government." Bloomberg

The Mainichi Daily News reports Japanese federal government panel is poised to recommend that beef cattle farmers in 17 prefectures be compensated for price losses as high as 70% due to public fear of meat contamination due to the feeding of radioactive rice hay to livestock.

The Mainichi Daily News reports that the Japanese federal government has banned beef exports from a fourth prefecture, after detection of radioactive cesium contamination due to rice hay sullied with Fukushima Daiichi fallout. The three other prefectures banned from exporting beef are Miyagi, Iwate and Fukushima.