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Hiroshima Nagasaki Day 2021: Join Us Friday 6 August 2021 @ 7 PM EDT (ZOOM Webinar)

  • The Hiroshima Nagasaki Day Coalition (HNDC) invites you and your organization to support us & join us in peace in a virtual commemoration ceremony to mark the 76th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima & Nagasaki:
    “Hope for the Earth: Canada, Sign the BAN Treaty!”
    Friday 6 August 2021 7:00 – 8:30 PM EDT
    ZOOM Webinar

    Registration link:
    Setsuko Thurlow at the Peace Garden
    The HNDC is proud to have our own Setsuko Thurlow, international disarmament advocate & hibakusha, speak on the exciting progress of the UN’s Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW, “the BAN Treaty”) around the world.  Setsuko co-accepted the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize for the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN).
    Once again, due to public health concerns of COVID-19, the HNDC will host the ceremony as an online ZOOM webinar.  With this virtual programme, our local commemoration will broadcast to a national audience, we look forward to returning to Toronto’s Peace Garden for future commemoration ceremonies.

    In 2021, our guest speakers will address the challenges of bringing the Treaty to Canada:

    Erin Hunt
    Program Director
    Mines Action Canada
    Nathaniel Erskine-Smith
    Member of Parliament
    Beaches-East York

    Kehkashan Basu
    Green Hope Foundation

    Ron Korb
    Composer/ Flautist
    2016 Grammy-nominee

    With your support, and the extraordinary efforts of Dr. Anton Wagner, the HNDC achieved an unprecedented level of outreach.  Over the last 12 months the HNDC:
    Organized the 3-page, bilingual Parliamentary Appeal “Towards a Nuclear Weapons-Free World” in the Ottawa Hill Times, endorsed by 110 groups and 330 individuals, marking the BAN Treaty’s Entry Into Force.
  • Commissioned the April 2021 Nanos Research public opinion poll on nuclear weapons and the BAN Treaty with The Simons Foundation Canada and le Collectif Échec à la guerres.  The poll results indicated that an overwhelming majority of Canadians believe the world should work to eliminate nuclear weapons.
  • Co-hosted the Webinar “Why hasn’t Canada signed the UN Nuclear BAN Treaty?” featuring Setsuko Thurlow and Members of Parliament from 4 national parties with the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute.
Thank you for your past interest and support- we could not do this outreach without you!  We ask you to help us continue to work toward a world free of nuclear weapons.
As a volunteer-driven coalition of peace and community groups, without government or industry sponsorship, we value every dollar we receive.  Any contribution for 2021 will help us raise the $5,000 needed to research, organize, and promote the 76th anniversary commemoration ceremony as well as continue our outreach for the next year. 
Your personal or organizational contribution can be made via Paypal:
Go to:
Use the “DONATE” button in the top right corner
Contribution can also be made via cheque payable to “Hiroshima Day Coalition”
c/o Mike P. Nevin, Treasurer
100 Bain Avenue, #51 Oaks
Toronto ON M4K 1E8
Thank you for your continued support.
In peace,

Rosemary Keenan
Co-Chair, HNDC
Executive Member
Pax Christi Toronto


Vinay Jindal, MD
Co-Chair, HNDC
International Physicians for the
Prevention of Nuclear War Canada