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All you need to know about the Campaign Nonviolence Conference events August 6-8, 2020

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August is here and so is the online Campaign Nonviolence Conference!  Here is all you need to know about the events each day.  If you registered already, whether for the in-person event that got cancelled or this online event, we'll be sending out links a few days ahead of time so be sure to check your email next week!  

THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 2020: ONLINE one-hour commemoration of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at 8 p.m. Eastern / 5 p.m. Pacific. Hosted by the New Mexico 75th Anniversary of Hiroshima/Nagasaki Committee and Pace e Bene. Featuring: Evelyn Naranjo, of Pueblo de San Ildefonso, Jay Coghlan of, Roshi Joan Halifax of Upaya Zen Center, Archbishop John Wester, of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, NM, Rev. John Dear of Pace e Bene and a keynote by Dr. Ira Helfand, MD, a member of the International Steering Group of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons and recipient of the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize. Register for a reminder and watch this free event here.

FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 2020: LIVE ONLINE Nonviolence Training: Soul Force: From Spirit To Street led by Pace e Bene nonviolence trainers. Begins at 3 p.m. Eastern / 12 p.m. Pacific. (3 hours in length).  Register here if you have not done so yet.

Soul Force lives in all of us. Join Veronica Pelicaric, Rivera Sun, and Adam Vogal for a webinar on how to unleash it within us and move it into action. Fierce, gentle, courageous, loving, centered, and determined, Soul Force gives us the grace and power to stand up for change, navigate conflict, and help heal ourselves and our world. Facilitators will share real-life stories of powerful Soul Force and offer tools and practices from engaged nonviolence and active bystander trainings. Participants will gain practical skills, heart-centered awareness, and courageous strength for the times that we're in. 

SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 2020: LIVE ONLINE conference beginning at 12 p.m. Eastern / 9 a.m. Pacific & translated live in Spanish. This conference will be recorded. If you register we will send you the recording a few days after the event so you can revisit anything you missed. (7 hours in length). Register here if you have not done so yet.

All Times Below Listed in Pacific Time

9:00am Pacific: Welcome and Introduction by Kit Evans-Ford, the emcee throughout the day. Kit has led many Pace e Bene workshops and directed the outreach for Campaign Nonviolence Action Week since 2014. She earned a Doctor of Ministry degree and has served in the Peace Corp and Teach for America. A founder of Argrow’s House of Healing and Hope and Testimonies of Hope.


9:15am Pacific:  Rev. Richard Rohr - one of the world’s best-known theologians and religious leaders and founder of the Center for Action and Contemplation who will share his thoughts on the spirituality and practice of nonviolence.

9:40am Pacific:   Q & A with Richard Rohr facilitated by Christina Leaño, the Associate Director of the Global Catholic Climate Movement. She is also a retreat leader and spiritual director drawing upon close to two decades of contemplative practice.

9:55am Pacific:   Transition Break. Brother M, a singer, songwriter and producer based in Cape Town, South Africa who will be performing some of his songs during the conference.

10:00am Pacific: Veronica Pelicaric - the Pace e Bene Nonviolence training coordinator and the co-author of the the new book, Engaging Nonviolence. She has led Pace e Bene nonviolence workshops in Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Argentina, Haiti, Australia, Britain, and the Netherlands. A Zen Buddhist, she is conversant in six languages. She lives in Montreal, Canada and will be discussing various practices for nonviolent living.

10:25am Pacific: Transition Break. (CNV Actions Slideshow)


10:30am Pacific: Kazu Haga - founder of the East Point Peace Academy and author of Healing Resistance: A Radically Different Response to Harm, sharing his thoughts on organizing, training and action.

10:55am Pacific: Henry Cervantes - with Peace Exchange, speaking on nonviolence in prisons and educating youth in nonviolence.

11:20am Pacific: Q & A with Kazu Haga and Henry Cervantes in conversation, facilitated by Eric Stoner the co-founding editor at Waging Nonviolence and an adjunct professor at Rutgers University.

11:35am Pacific: Transition Break.  (Pace e Bene Training & Speaker Slideshow)

11:40am Pacific: Robin Wildman - Director of Nonviolent Schools Rhode Island, a nonprofit, training teachers, school staff, and administrators in Kingian Nonviolence. She will be discussing nonviolence education in schools.

12:05pm Pacific: Rivera Sun - Editor of Nonviolence News, a nationwide trainer in strategy for nonviolent movements, and the author of many books and novels, including The Dandelion Insurrection and The Way Between. She serves on the Advisory Board of World Beyond War and Backbone Campaign.  She will lead a presentation on nonviolent action with a global action slideshow.


12:30pm Pacific: Sherri Mitchell - a Native American lawyer, author, teacher and activist working with the Land Peace Foundation who will talk about indigenous directions for change.

12:55pm Pacific: Rev. Lennox Yearwood, Jr. - President and CEO of Hip Hop Caucus, speaking on the intersection of race, poverty, war and environment for a nonviolent world. Rev. Yearwood is also a member of the Pace e Bene Board of Directors.

1:20pm Pacific:  Q & A with  Sherri Mitchell and Rev. Lennox Yearwood, Jr. in conversation, facilitated by Stephanie Van Hook, the Executive Director of Metta Center for Nonviolence Education.

1:40pm Pacific:  Transition Break.  (Metta Center Film Clip, introduced by Stephanie Van Hook)

1:45pm Pacific:  Rev. John Dear on Building Nonviolent Cities, and in conversation with Nonviolent Wilmington, Delaware's LaVaida Owens-White. John Dear is a priest, activist, and author of 35 books including The Nonviolent Life, The Beatitudes of Peace, They Will Inherit the Earth, and Radical Prayers. He is on the staff of Pace e Bene.

2:10pm Pacific: Dr. Erica Chenoweth - with Harvard University, one of the world’s leading social scientists and scholars on the strategic power of nonviolence and co-author of the ground-breaking work, Why Civil Resistance Works

2:35pm Pacific:  Q & A with Erica Chenoweth facilitated by Rivera Sun

2:50pm Pacific: Transition Break. (Engaging Nonviolence Video)

2:55pm Pacific:  Daniel Hunter - a trainer and organizer with Training for Change, which practices a direct education style rooted in popular education. He will be discussing the topic of sustaining campaigns and movements.

3:20pm Pacific: Q & A with Erica Chenoweth and Daniel Hunter in conversation, facilitated by Kazu Haga.

3:45pm Pacific:  Dr. Ken Butigan - a leading teacher, advocate and strategist of nonviolence. He has worked for decades with many social change movements and currently is Pace e Bene’s chief strategist for its Campaign Nonviolence National Week of Action. He teaches in the Peace, Justice and Conflict Studies Program at DePaul University in Chicago, and has published several books, including most recently Nonviolent Lives. Ken will be gathering the wisdom from the days speakers for a nonviolent shift.

3:50pm Pacific:  George Martin - a leading justice, peace and climate organizer, educator, and trainer who has worked with more than 100 organizations. He has served as a national co-chair of United for Peace and is currently with Peace Action Wisconsin and on the Pace e Bene Board of Directors. George will be closing out the conference, discussing ways to move forward from what we’ve learned.

3:55pm Pacific:  Finish - Brother M, a singer, songwriter and producer based in Cape Town, South Africa sings his closing song for the conference.