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Iran Slams Trump for Threatening to Undo Nuclear Treaty


As reported by Democracy Now! in its morning news headlines:

Meanwhile, President Trump told reporters Wednesday that he’s made a decision about whether he’ll take action to undo the landmark 2015 Iran nuclear deal—but refused to say what his plans are. NBC is reporting, based on unnamed sources, that Trump is leaning toward decertifying the deal, even though Secretary of State Rex Tillerson acknowledged on Wednesday that Iran is in compliance with the deal. All other parties to the Iran nuclear deal also agree Iran is in compliance. This is the European Union’s foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini.

Federica Mogherini: "It has been a frank, open and in-depth discussion, during which we have agreed on the fact that all sides are implementing, so far, fully the agreement."

On Wednesday, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani slammed Trump’s threats to undo the landmark deal.

President Hassan Rouhani: "I really don’t know whether a country or a power or an individual who tries to back out of this agreement, other than bringing embarrassment upon themselves, they will gain nothing from it. If the United States government exits the agreement, undoubtedly it will be condemned by the American people themselves. And before that, by the European Union, by all countries throughout the world, the condemnation will be equal. And even the allies of the United States will no longer have the courage to support America vis-à-vis this issue."