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Nuclear energy industry hijacks agenda at NPT review conference

As we predicted in Linda Gunter’s May 3rd AlterNet story, the nuclear power industry took full advantage of the NPT’s “inalienable right” clause in Article IV that promotes nuclear energy development to hijack the agenda at the on-going non-proliferation treaty review conference at the UN in New York. According to our sources from Abolition 2000, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War and others, speech after speech extolled the virtues of nuclear energy. The conference, they said, appeared to be more about nuclear power promotion and proliferation than non-proliferation and nuclear weapons abolition. Even UN general secretary, Ban Ki- moon, aided in the promotional efforts, stating: “Advancing the peaceful uses of nuclear energy cannot be held hostage to either disarmament or non-proliferation”.

Speaking for the U.S., Hillary Clinton said: “We recognize the rights of all countries in compliance with the treaty to realize the benefits of nuclear energy. And we recognize our responsibility to commit the resources that will help spread those benefits as widely as possible”.

The European Union representative in her opening remarks, typified the views of many other nations, stating: “The European Union is of the firm view that each country has the right to define its own energy strategy and, in this context, we reaffirm the inalienable right of all NPT States parties to the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, in conformity with obligations”. For more, see the press release from the NPT Abolition Caucus.