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NEIS media advisory: "Stop the Nuclear Bailout!" Mock Exelon "Fun(d)-Raiser"


For immediate use --  Monday,  26 January, 2015

Contact:  Dave Kraft, Director, Nuclear Energy Information Service, (773)342-7650 (o); (630)506-2864 (c)

WHAT:  “Stop the Nuclear Bailout!” Mock Exelon “Fun(d)-Raiser”

WHEN:   Tuesday, January 27, 2015;  11:30 to 12:15.


  • 111 W. Grand Ave., (Grand and Clark St., SW corner), Chicago, Illinois.
  • Fliers against the Exelon billion-dollar nuclear bailout will be passed out to attendees of the City Club of Chicago luncheon, “Illinois’ Energy Future: A Policy Discussion,” to be held at Maggiano’s Restaurant.
  • Signs, placards and banners will be displayed by “nuclear workers” in radiation suits, taking up a (faux-)collection in behalf of the impoverished, money-losing Exelon Corporation reactors.  Minimum “contributions” of $100,000 will be requested of those pro-nuclear people attending the luncheon.  Cash, checks, Kruegerrands and bitcoin “accepted”  (sorry – no credit cards!).


  • Speakers from Nuclear Energy Information Service (NEIS), concerned citizens


The City Club of Chicago is sponsoring a luncheon under the innocent-sounding heading of, “Illinois’ Energy Future: A Policy Discussion.”  However, two of the main speakers are spokespeople for  the Exelon-funded “Nuclear Matters” pro-nuclear front group, and a third a member of the Nuclear Energy Institute, the trade and lobbying association for the U.S.  nuclear power industry, whose current head is none other than Philip Crane – CEO of Exelon Corporation.  This heavily biased panel will be speaking to City Club members at a time when Exelon is engaged in attempting to win Illinois ratepayer-funded bailouts for its five money-losing reactors in Illinois from the Illinois Legislature and FERC.

NEIS is staging a “faux-fun(d)raiser” in Exelon’s behalf, to reduce the amount of money they will need to legally extort from Illinois ratepayers – and to send a message to the Governor, the Legislature and public about how absurd and full of audacity Exelon’s undeserved demands are. 

Spokespeople will be available to answer questions during the event.