Troubles at Perry nuclear power plant in northeast Ohio, on the Lake Erie shore

Beyond Nuclear and Don't Waste Michigan released the following:
For Immediate Release February 16, 2018 @ 6pm
Worker and Safety Compromises Prevalent at Perry Nuclear Plant
Contact: Michael J. Keegan with Don't Waste Michigan, (734) 770-1441
Kevin Kamps with Beyond Nuclear (240) 462-3216
Perry, Ohio - - Friday morning the Ohio (AP) reports: Supporters of an Ohio nuclear plant that's in danger of being shut down are planning to rally this weekend.
Lake County resident Connie Kline former Chair of the Ohio Sierra Club Nuclear Committee, has studied and critiqued the Perry nuclear plant for decades, and she is perplexed by the blind allegiance to FirstEnergy. Kline reports that several Perry documents she reviewed this past week indicate a multitude of worker and safety compromises being rubber stamped by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Including increased radioactive exposure to workers (ML18045A367 attached); high incidence of alcohol and drug abuse by workers (ML18045A202 attached). Posted at: ; And also NRC approval to operate Perry with known pipe leakage to avoid shutdown (ML18004A122 attached)
"These documents are deeply disturbing indicating workers have been unnecessarily exposed to radiation, that substance abuse by workers is prevalent at Perry, and leaking pipes are allowed by the absentee regulator." stated Connie Kline.
As local school and county leaders organize to rally behind the Perry nuclear power plant because of economic pressures, life long Lake County resident Connie Kline believes the community must not succumb to economic extortion by allowing the derelict operation of a nuclear power plant. "This plant has potential to wreak hundreds of billions of dollars in property damage with life altering health consequences for tens of thousands of people (CRAC-2 ) Ratepayers of the state of Ohio must not be forced to bail out the Perry boondoggle." stated Kline.
Please see [linked] documents: