Beyond Nuclear on Sputnik Radio News "Political Misfits"

Here is the write up:
Kevin Kamps, radioactive waste watchdog at Beyond Nuclear, joins us to talk about a recent report published by the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) revealing that nuclear weapons spending increased by $1.4 billion more than in 2019, with nine countries spending 72.6 billion dollars on nukes, who the biggest offenders were, and how much money is spent on think tanks and lobbying by the nuclear weapons business. We also talk about the parallels between the nuclear weapons lobby and the nuclear energy lobby, and how the Biden administration is going ahead with an expansion of the U.S. nuclear arsenal.
Listen to the audio recording, here. (Kevin's interview begins at the 17 minute 12 second mark, and ends at the 33 minute mark.)
Beyond Nuclear is a member organization of the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability. ANA is a national network of three-dozen grassroots groups, watchdogs of the U.S. Department of Energy's nuclear weapons complex sites. Beyond Nuclear's Kevin Kamps serves on the ANA board of directors.