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The nuclear industry LIES to you about reliability in winter weather conditions

Scott Stapf of the Hastings Group has tweeted:

The #nuclear industry LIES to you about reliability in winter weather conditions. Entergy's Pilgrim plant near #Boston just shut down when weather knocked out incoming power line.


Stapf linked to a Platt's article, "Entergy's 728-MW Pilgrim shuts due to loss of a transmission line."

Stapf also included a graphic where, with a little dab of blue virtual paint, he was able to add a little truth-in-advertizing, to what otherwise would be a very dishonest Nuclear Energy Institute PR deception!

The Boston Globe has also reported on this story:

The storm also hit the power grid in Plymouth.

Neil Sheehan, a spokesman for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, said in a statement that the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station “manually shut down (scrammed) the reactor after one of the two 345-kilovolt lines that provide power from the grid to the facility became unavailable” shortly after 2 p.m. “Off-site power from the second 345-kilovolt line and a 23-kilovolt line is still in service.”

So too did