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Media coverage of the commemoration of 50 years since the Fermi 1 "We Almost Lost Detroit" partial meltdown/close call with radioactive catastrophe

“To the village square we must carry the facts of atomic energy. From there must come America’s voice.” --- Albert Einstein, June 1946. Photo credit: Mark Muhich, Sierra Club MI Chapter Nuclear-Free CommitteeA column in the LA Times, and an article in the Detroit Free Press, have covered this story. So too has the Monroe Evening News (note the one-minute video, of UCS's Dave Lochbaum explaining how a supposed meltdown mitigation safeguard at Fermi 1, actually led the meltdown); Michigan Public Radio's Stateside (an eight-minute interview with Fermi watchdog Michael Keegan); and the Toledo Blade.

Beyond Nuclear also raised the Fermi 1 meltdown on Thom Hartmann's "The Big Picture" on Oct. 6th (see from 45 minutes 00 seconds to 52 minutes 20 seconds).

The speakers at the downtown Monroe, MI press conference held at 3:09 PM, Wed., Oct. 6th -- the 50-year mark, to the moment, of the Fermi 1 meltdown -- included (from left to right, see photo): Terry Lodge, Toledo Safe Energy Coalition, and environmental intervention attorney against Fermi 2 & Fermi 3; Jessie Collins, Citizens Resistance at Fermi Two (CRAFT); Michael Keegan, Coalition for a Nuclear-Free Great Lakes and Don't Waste MI (speaking); Ethyl Rivera, Alliance to Halt Fermi 3; Paul Gunter, Beyond Nuclear; and David Lochbaum, Union of Concerned Scientists.

See Beyond Nuclear comprehensive post about the "We Almost Lost Detroit" meltdown 50-year commemoration, including a large number of links to additional information and documentation.