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Entergy Watch: UBS predicts "real retirement risk for units such as Vermont Yankee and FitzPatrick in '13"

Entergy Nuclear has had a rough week.

First, while 108.5 million people looked on, including 75,000 in the Superdome, the lights went out on the 47th Super Bowl in Entergy's hometown, New Orleans. The power outage lasted more than half an hour. Investigations continue as to the root cause.

Then, in a report for shareholders, dated Feb. 4th by UBS Securities LLC, UBS "reiterate[s] expectations for nuclear retirements" in the Entergy Nuclear merchant fleet, due to low to negative free cash flow. UBS highlights that "We see Vermont Yankee as the most tenuously positioned," but adds "Fitzpatrick (sic) in upstate NY increasingly appears at risk as well," and "Pilgrim could be at risk too, depending on market development in New England." The report is based on a Feb. 2nd meeting between UBS analysts and Entergy Nuclear's new CEO, Leo Denault, and the rest of the Entergy management team.

But UBS's analysis is not Entergy's only headache at Vermont Yankee. Vermont's Department of Public Service has urged the Public Service Board to deny the "rogue corporation" Entergy a renewed Certificate of Public Good (CPG), needed to operate the reactor under state law, because of its broken promises. Vermont Yankee Decommissioning Alliance (VYDA) and Citizens Awareness Network (CAN) urge allies to contact the PSB with messages urging denial of the renewed CPG.

And the Shut It Down! Affinity Group -- its past fines paid -- has resumed its non-violent civil resistance actions, seeking Vermont Yankee's permanent shutdown.