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Reactor construction cost overruns in Canada continue to haunt taxpayers and ratepayers

This excerpt is taken from Pat McNamara's Nuclear Genocide in Canada, Part 4, "Nuclear Costs to Date":

"Cost Overruns from Reactor Construction 

The last reactors built in Canada were at Darlington, 40 minutes east of Toronto. The four Darlington reactors were not completed until 1993 at a cost of $14.5 billion, or more than $10 billion over budget. By 1998, the cost overruns from the 20 reactors in Ontario were the major contributor to Ontario Hydro's $35 billion debt. The utility was bankrupt and split into five separate components. The Canadian government forgave $20 billion of Ontario Hydro's debt (all Canadians are paying this bill) and Ontario electricity users are paying the balance with a surcharge on their electricity bills." (emphasis added)