Links to NRC public mtg. on reactor pressure vessel issues, Feb. 19
Presentations (not necessarily in chronological order to match agenda):
Assessment of BTP 5-3 Protocols (Mark Kirk, NRC). [BTP = Branch Technical Position]
Part II: Assessment of Impact on Plants Using BTP 5-3 to Estimate RT-NDT(u) [Reference Temperature-Nil Ductility Transition (unirradiated)] (Simon Sheng, NRC).
Industry Focus Group, Activities Regarding the BTP 5-3 Issue (Wells, Southern Nuclear; Hardin, Electric Power Research Institute).
MRP/BWRVIP, Evaluation of BTP 5-3 (Hardin, EPRI; Server, ATI Consulting; Gamble, Sartrex).
Materials Orientation Toughness Assessment (MOTA) for the Purpose of Mitigating Branch Technical Position (BTP) 5-3 Uncertainties (Koehler, Xcel; Long and Hall, Westinghouse).
FAVOR Cladding Residual Stress Model (Kusnick, NRC).
2015 Revision of the FAVOR* Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics Computer Program (v.15.1) (Kirk, NRC; Bass, Dickson, Williams, Oak Ridge National Lab) [*FAVOR = Fracture Analysis of Vessels - Oak Ridge].
REAP (Reactor Embrittlement Archive Project) (Kirk, NRC; Williams and Bass, Oak Ridge).
Demonstrate Appendix G Margins for PWR RPV Nozzles, PA-MSC-1091R1, Methodology and Progress (Hall, Westinghouse).
Pressure Tests of Reactor Coolant System - With the Core Critical (Holmberg, NRC).