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Links to NRC public mtg. on reactor pressure vessel issues, Feb. 19


Presentations (not necessarily in chronological order to match agenda):

Assessment of BTP 5-3 Protocols (Mark Kirk, NRC). [BTP = Branch Technical Position]

Part II: Assessment of Impact on Plants Using BTP 5-3 to Estimate RT-NDT(u) [Reference Temperature-Nil Ductility Transition (unirradiated)] (Simon Sheng, NRC).

Industry Focus Group, Activities Regarding the BTP 5-3 Issue (Wells, Southern Nuclear; Hardin, Electric Power Research Institute).

MRP/BWRVIP, Evaluation of BTP 5-3 (Hardin, EPRI; Server, ATI Consulting; Gamble, Sartrex).

Materials Orientation Toughness Assessment (MOTA) for the Purpose of Mitigating Branch Technical Position (BTP) 5-3 Uncertainties (Koehler, Xcel; Long and Hall, Westinghouse).

FAVOR Cladding Residual Stress Model (Kusnick, NRC).

2015 Revision of the FAVOR* Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics Computer Program (v.15.1) (Kirk, NRC; Bass, Dickson, Williams, Oak Ridge National Lab) [*FAVOR = Fracture Analysis of Vessels - Oak Ridge].

REAP (Reactor Embrittlement Archive Project) (Kirk, NRC; Williams and Bass, Oak Ridge).

Demonstrate Appendix G Margins for PWR RPV Nozzles, PA-MSC-1091R1, Methodology and Progress (Hall, Westinghouse).

Overview of Plans for Revising Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50, Appendix H, "Reactor Vessel Material Surveillance Program Requirements" (Hardies, NRC).

Pressure Tests of Reactor Coolant System - With the Core Critical (Holmberg, NRC).