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Trump's lawyer Cohen opens doors for Alabama nuclear developer Haney

It seems perverse to call incomplete atomic reactors already nearly a half-century old "new," but alas, this is Trumpland we're living in!

As Kyle Whitmire reports in an opinion column at, zombie monsters stirreth in the radioactive "swamps" of Alabama and Washington, D.C. (No offense to literal swamps or the creatures that inhabit them!)

Whitmire warns about the safety risks of a billionaire would-be "new" atomic reactor developer, Franklin Haney, who retained the infamous Trump lawyer Michael Cohen (as well as is attempting to access Qatari royal money) to help him resurrect two long abandoned, half-built atomic reactors at Bellefonte, AL.

Never mind that even zombies had long warned the Tennessee Valley Authority to use their brains and say NO! to Bellefonte's "resurrection from the dead."

The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy and Fairewinds Associates, Inc.'s nuclear engineer, Arnie Gundersen, likewise warned TVA against any attempt to complete the zombie reactors.